The Group has world-class warehousing & testing facilities in Gujarat where the cargo is unloaded prior to shipment which ensures that all operations come under our effective control. The materials procured are processed hygienically & meticulously tested before being packed as per customer requirements. The Allana Group enjoys expertise in market operations backed by intensive research, financial strength & international reach.
India is today the second largest wheat producer in the world. Wheat provides starch, energy, substantial amounts of a number of components which are essential for health, protein, vitamins and dietary fibre.
It’s expertise in sourcing the highest quality grain and state-of-the-art infrastructure has helped it to achieve this historic feat and bag Gold in the prestigious APEDA Export Awards.
The Allana group has over the years developed an enviable reputation & has established itself as one of the most reliable & respected suppliers of high quality Wheat & grains, catering to the needs of all types of buyers.
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